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Highway to airport closed for one month and a half

2 008 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Bainekeeva

Due to road reconstruction activities the traffic on Aboulkhair Khan Avenue (highway to airport) will be closed from May 17 until the beginning of July.

The city mayor circulated press release where it is stated that “citizens and guests of the city are requested to treat it with understanding these temporary inconveniences”.

1.27 billion tenge have been  allocated from the republican budget for the reconstruction of the road and the square in front of the airport building. The width of the updated highway will be 18.90 m with four traffic lanes, a dividing strip between them, safety strips and roadside shoulders.

The section of the road will be blocked from the bridge near auto centre “Merkur” till the intersection “airport highway – Leskhoz – Zhety Kazyna”. The intersection will be functioning.

The city administration recommends the traffic to move via Aliev Street to the airport and via the bridges from Zhilgorodk and Balykshi.

The city administration stated that according to the working schedule of the contracting company AtyrauInzhStroy LLP the road reconstruction activities should be completed in the first days of July. 

May 18 2014, 20:35

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