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“Ukraine: A dangerous game“, “Ex-Mayor of Almaty Khrapunov faces criminal charges in US”, “White House denies reports about US mercenaries in Ukraine”, “Volunteer corps members are battling against Kiev's army in Sloviansk”, “Sony to make film about Snowd

1 430 просмотрs “White House denies reports about US mercenaries in Ukraine” - German media Bild am Sonntag and Spiegel reported that data about 400 fighters from Blackwater, supporting Kiev forces in the east of Ukraine, came from US intelligence agency. The White House denied the German media reports about the US mercenaries hired from private military company Blackwater in southeastern Ukraine, spokesperson of National Security Council (NSC) of the United States Laura Lucas Magnuson said. According to her the same answer got German journalists who had contacted the NSC with this question. She added that the firm Academi "almost two months publicly denies" claims in its address.

“Volunteer corps members are battling against Kiev's army on outskirts of Sloviansk” - "Our immediate task is to hold the line and edge them away from the city," a spokesman for the people's volunteer corps said. On the outskirts of Sloviansk, Kiev-controlled units are firing from artillety guns at the positions of the volunteer corps members, Ilya, a spokesman for the people's volunteer corps in Sloviansk, told Itar-Tass.

ria. ru. Russia Calls Kiev Irresponsible for Decision to Cut Water Supplies to Crimea - Moscow believes that the decision by the current authorities in Kiev to shut off water supplies to Crimea is a mockery of common sense, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said Thursday. “Ex-Mayor of Almaty Khrapunov faces criminal charges in US” - The city of Almaty has filed a lawsuit against its former mayor Victor Khrapunov in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, tengrinews reports citing Fort Mill Times. The biggest city in Kazakhstan accuses Khrapunov and his wife Leila Khrapunova of embezzling more than $300 million through illegal sale of municipal property and international money laundering schemes. It alleges that the money was used to buy luxurious cars and houses, businesses and other assets in the United States, Europe and the Middle East. According to a source, the plaintiff demands that the defendant’s property is arrested and the illegally acquired money is frozen to be subsequently returned into the city's budget. “Sony to make film of Edward Snowden story” - Sony Pictures Entertainment has acquired the rights to the new book by journalist Glenn Greenwald about fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, the studio said. James Bond franchise producers Michael Wilson and Barbara Broccoli will make the movie version of "No Place to Hide," described as "a political film that will resonate with today's moviegoers." “Malala portrait goes for $102,500 in New York” - A painted portrait of Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl shot in the head by the Taliban, fetched $102,500 at auction Wednesday in New York -- with the money going to female education in Nigeria. “Hunt for abducted Nigerian girls 'unlikely to have happy ending' - Nigeria's hunt for more than 200 abducted schoolgirls is not all that it seems. In public, an international operation is gathering pace while behind the scenes, officials say it is unlikely to deliver the success that global opinion demands. “Ukraine: A dangerous game“ - As crucial elections approach, is Ukraine really as divided as people have been told? For months, the Ukrainian crisis has been deepening, with Moscow-backed separatists responding to Russia’s expansionist ambitions and rhetoric, and Ukrainian nationalists looking to the West for support.












May 16 2014, 10:12

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