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Kazakh Magazine Editor Fined Over Hitler Issue

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The April issue of The April issue of "Zhuldyzdar Otbasy-Anyz Adam" was fully devoted to Hitler's life and political activities.The chief editor of a celebrity magazine in Kazakhstan has been fined $1,200 for devoting last month's issue to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

An Almaty court on May 11 found Zharylqap Qalybai guilty of failing to reveal exactly which publishing house printed the last three issues of his monthly magazine, "Zhuldyzdar Otbasy-Anyz Adam" (Celebrities Family-Legendary People).

Qalybai said he did not agree with the court decision, calling it politically motivated.

Kazakhstan's State Agency for Communications and Information initiated investigations last month into the April issue of "Zhuldyzdar Otbasy-Anyz Adam," which was fully devoted to Hitler's life and political activities.

The issue carried a color photograph of Hitler on its cover and contained memories of Hitler from his associates and friends.

It also included excerpts from Hitler's controversial book "Mein Kampf."

Source: Radio Free Europe

May 12 2014, 16:25

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