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11 killed when SUV collided with passenger bus in Kzyl-Orda

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Today the victims of head-on-collision accident, that happened on May 7 on public holiday in Kzyl-Orda, made a loud statement. They blamed the SUV driver in the terrible road accident that took 11 lives, as opposed to the previous version of the police where the bus driver was considered guilty, reports.

To recall, on May 7, passenger minibus and SUV collided on highway near Shieli settlement in Kzyl-Orda oblast. As the result of the accident 11 people died and 8 people survived, that now are treated in the hospital with various injuries.

The Oblast Governor declared mourning and cancelled all festive events in the region.

The survived passengers are now demanding from the police bodies a fair investigation.

Gabit Kamysbaev, the victim says:

- We are not guilty. It was SUV driver who crossed into the oncoming traffic lane. I saw it myself. I only managed to scream: “We are going to collide!”

Akhat Bolat, the son of injured woman:

- I went to police, but they say that it is impossible to tell exactly who was wrong. We want fair investigation! My mother is in critical condition.

May 12 2014, 10:46

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