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Ukraine gov't issues 48-hour ultimatum to protesters in east

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Pro-Russia activists continue to hold their ground inside a Donetsk Ukraine government building, declaring sovereignty and a referendum on breaking away from Ukraine. In Kiev, officials have issued a forty-eight hour ultimatum to protestors, telling them either to stand down or face forceful action, xinhua reports.

Ukraine regional government officials responded publicly for the first time to the hostile takeover of this government building days ago by pro-russia activists. The activists, calling themselves “the people’s republic of donetsk” are calling for sovereignty and a may referendum to break away from Ukraine.

During the press conference the officials made clear that any resolution to the current crisis must come via political means and not violence. They also said that a political solution to the situation cannot be accompanied by pressure from the united states, the EU or russia.

"It all comes down to this: regional empowerment and self governance, Russian as a second official language, de-centralization of government, an elected governor, budgets determined by regions, resolution of social and economic issues, healthcare and education financing and each region subsisting according to its own means." Ukrainian Mp Nikolai Levchenko said.

The officials didn’t say whether the Ukrainian government will re-take this building by force but they did say they believe the activists inside are stockpiling weapons.

The activists here are digging in their heels, beefing up their numbers and building more barriers.

April 10 2014, 13:37

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