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Albert II, Prince of Monaco to visit Kazakhstan in early November

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Albert II, Prince of MonacoThe first in the history of the bilateral relations official visit of Albert II, Prince of Monaco to Kazakhstan is scheduled on 2-5 November, according to Altai Abibullayev, official spokesperson of the Kazakh MFA.

"In the course of the visit, His Serene Highness will meet with President Nazarbayev," the Kazakh Foreign Ministry's spokesperson confirmed on Monday (October 29).

In Astana, Albert II is expected to open the exhibition The Epoch of Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco dedicated to his beloved mother Princess Grace. Prince Albert is to unveil honorable consulate of Monaco in Astana and pay a visit to cultural and sports facilities in the Kazakh capital.

The diplomatic relations between the Principality of Monaco and the Republic of Kazakhstan were established in 2009.


October 30 2012, 17:51

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