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Birlik: The soberest place in Kazakhstan

1 939 просмотрs

People in the Birlik district, Aqmola Oblast do not consume alcoholic beverages at all, reports

Seven years ago, elderly people of three villages -- Krasnaya Polyana, Zhana Zhol and Petrakovka -- decided to ban selling alcohol in shops. Locals -- that's 1030 people -- anonymously supported the idea. Ever since soberity has become a lifestyle for this people.

"You won't see a single drunken villager in the streets. We never have rumbles or fights. Alcohol is a trouble that provokes the worst behaviour. A wedding without alcohol is not that boring. Real fun for soul comes from peace, love and respect within the family. By the way, birth rate in our places is quite high -- 25-30 healthy babies come to world every year," says akim of the Birlik district Vakha Diziyev.

WKT citing


October 29 2012, 17:19

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