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Rafael’s Gallery

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Rafael Slekenov The past week was rich with cultural events. But in that chain the opening of “Tengri Art” gallery on the ground floor of a housing block at 66 Satpayev Street, stands out.

The owner of the gallery is the well-known artist Rafael SLEKENOV, the winner of the “Tarlan” National Award, the member of Mirca Art Group - an international association of artists (Stockholm), the corresponding member of Arts Academy of Kazakhstan. 

The gallery where the works of the modern artists are represented, was his long-held idea, of which he was dreaming during the numerous trips to Europe. The idea was to create a place where artists - whether they are famous masters or young novices, can find support and an exhibition platform for their creations. Along with the oil paintings there will be also displayed other forms of art. 
- We are presenting to the citizens of our town the creations of various contemporary artists, who reflect various topical themes. Our doors are open to all who is interested in new tendencies in painting, sculpture, installations, video art, and photography. If museums belong to the government, this gallery belongs to all of us, - says Rafael.
He closely follows the activity of his colleagues, including the beginning artists at various exhibitions and on Internet. Rafael strongly believes, although there are not many talents as we would love to have, who can become a new wave in arts, still we have a few.  
At the first exhibition the visitors could see the paintings of the Australian artist Stephanie SHEPPARD, who did her paintings during her training at the London Academy of Fine Arts, as well as her bright and colorful portraits that she did Africa. At the exhibition there are the paintings of the Mexican artist Raul Govea PERALD, impulsive works of the Canadian avant-gardist Arthur POTS, the creations of the professor of Academy of Arts from Kaunas (Lithuania)  - Stasis MOSTAUSKAS, as well as the works of the Kazakhstan artist, the music composer and the collector - Ersain ZHAPAK. On display there are also the unique creations of local applied and decorative artists Kenes AIPKALIEV and Nursultan KALIEV.
And, sure, there are a number of Raphael’s own paintings on display.
Rafael’s dream is fulfilled and he is not in a rush of thinking about the material side of the venture yet. 
- I simply enjoy the exhibition. There are people who love art and I wish there were more of them. Even if they don’t buy the paintings, I am happy that they get enjoyment from looking at the creations of artists. The world would only become better.
by Zulfiya Iskalieva
October 29 2012, 09:46

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