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Who to Vote for?

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On October 28, an election of the deputies to the maslikhats will take place. The newly elected deputies will replace those who either left or retired.

According to the information provided by Salamat MAKHAMBETOV, the chairman of Atyrau Oblast territorial election commission, the elections will be held in three election districts: # 13 (Makat district), # 2 (Makhambet district) and # 9 ( Isatai district). There are 9 candidates proposed: 3 for oblast maslikhat and 6 for district maslikhat.

The following candidates are proposed for election district # 13: Shalkar SERIKBAEV, the Head of procurement department of “Capital” LLP,non-party; Anuarbek KUANYSHEV, chief mechanical engineer of “Caspineft” JSC, non-party; Ersain IKHSANOV, rector of Atyrau engineering-humanitarian institute, member of Nur Otan party.

The following candidate is proposed for election district # 2 (Makhambet District Maslikhat): Mukhtar OZHAEV, the Director of the district Kazakhtelecom, non-party; Ravil ZHUMALIEV,the private lawyer of “Zhumaliev A.C.”, member of Ak Zhol Democratic Party; Abbat KABENOV, the director of Makhambet Children’s Sports School, Nur Otan Party member.

The following candidate is proposed for election district # 9 (Isatai District Maslikhat): Darmen Turegaliev,the Head of ZhaikMunaiGaz Oil and Gas Production Company, member of Nur Otan Party; Kuandyk SARIEV, the director of the State Employment Centre of Isatai District, non-patry; Aigolek KANATBAEVA, “Baldauren” kindergarten teacher, non-party.    


October 27 2012, 18:54

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