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Microsoft unveils Windows 8 and "Surface" tablet

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Microsoft has launched its new Windows 8 operating system and "Surface" tablet. The move is seen as a bid to revive interest in its flagship product, and regain ground lost to Apple and Google in mobile computing.

The new software package is made to run on both personal computers and tablets. The fresh design dispenses with the start button and features square tiles for apps. Microsoft is counting on the new look and touch-friendly software to break its heavy reliance on PC sales, which are expected to dip for the first time in more than a decade.

The company’s new Surface tablet is set to challenge Apple’s popular iPad head on. The cheapest model is a 32 gigabyte version with a 27 centimeter display, starting at 499 dollars. It has an ultra thin cover that doubles as a keyboard. Early reviews have been mixed, with praise for its hardware and concerns about the limited software and applications available.

October 27 2012, 01:04

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