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Ryskaliyevs never crossed the border

3 929 просмотрs

On October 24, Ak Zhaik received mail with the official response of Frontier Service of the RoK National Security Committee to its request dated September 24 (See 'Frontier guards know where the brothers are').








From: National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000, 48 Jeltoksan Street, Astana.

To: Ak Zhaik Newspaper

Ref.No: 15/2-1-9492

Date: 12.10.2012


Dear Ak Zhaik editors,

Please be informed that your enquiry concerning crossing of the Kazakhstan's State border by Kazakhstan citizens Bergei Saulebaevich RYSKALIYEV and Amanzhan Saulebaiuly RYSKALI was reviewed by Frontier Service of the RoK National Security Committee.

The specified citizens did not cross the state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the period from August 15 to October 3.

Given the above, you need to apply to Kazakhstan General Prosecutor's Office to obtain further explanations on your questions.



Acting Deputy Director


(Due to recent frequent use of original Ak Zhaik articles without links to the primary source, i.e. gross plagiarism and direct infringement of the copyright law, we have to announce special warning for state-owned Kazinform, other news agencies, websites and media entities: Ak Zhaik Newspaper prohibits using any of its materials including the above article without a hyperlink to, as required at its main page and what foreign media unfailingly do when using materials of WKT, the English edition of Ak Zhaik Newspaper).


October 24 2012, 14:18

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