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Ukraine protests: 'this is the last war'

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Deadly violence erupts between riot police and anti-government protesters in Kiev, leaving 25 people dead and 241 injured, reports.

Thousands of riot police armed with stun grenades and water cannon moved into the sprawling protest camp in the centre of Kiev, provoking deadly clashes.

The clashes were the worst that the capital has seen in nearly three months of anti-government protests, leaving at least 25 people dead and 241 injured.

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has called on opposition leaders to "immediately separate themselves from radical forces."

Vitali Klitschko, leader of the Udar opposition party, met with the President and said, "I am very unhappy, because it was not (a) discussion and (the) President doesn't want to listen (to the) opposition."

About 10,000 people remained camped out in the square as piles of rubber tyres continued to burn. One protester said that "this is the last war".

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A large building that the protesters had used as a headquarters caught fire and had to be abandoned overnight.

The protests began in late November when President Yanukovych backed off from signing a long-anticipated agreement to deepen ties with the European Union, frustrating those in the former Soviet republic who want to throw off the influence of Russia.

February 20 2014, 11:34

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