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Chinese writer insulted Kazakh women

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Writer Hu Hun Ba. Photo courtesy of megapolis.kzA piece insulting Kazakh young women has appeared on writes. The article speaks of “unbelievable hospitality of Kazakhs who are ready to offer their daughter to a guest spending a night in their house”. It calls single Chinese men to “go to Kazakhs, as a woman will be found for any of them there”.

According to Megapolis, the scandalous article was written by Chinese writer Hu Hun Ba who authored the book called Young Family from Abroad. Here is one of the extracts from the book describing moral values of Kazakhs living in Xinjiang: “It is easy to find an approach to Kazakh young women: soap, mirror, hair brush and other similar things as a gift, any Kazakh woman is ready to go with you”. This extract caused much outrage at the time it was published. According to some sources, Chinese government somehow punished the writer back then. 

Meanwhile, Kazakhstan website believes that Hun Bao, a retired filmmaker, the author of the article. At the time he allegedly served in the army in Xinjiang where he frequently met and communicated with Kazakhs.

The website writes that Kazakh young people living in China are going to sue the filmmaker. According to outraged fellow countrymen, he has to go to jail for insulting the honor of Kazakh women and incitement of international hatred.

According to Channel 31, on October 22 Kazakhstan activists tried to submit to the Chinese embassy a request to bring the article’s author to responsibility. However, the diplomats refused to accept the petition. Right now the initiators of the request are organizing rallies in Astana and Almaty.

Famous orientalist, head of the analytical group Adil Kaukenov warned Kazakhstan from overreacting, saying that it would only result in spread of new insults. “First of all, it is necessary to remember about dignity and avoid hysterics. It is evident for everyone who knows the traditions of Kazakhstan people that the information in the article is a nonsense spread by an illiterate person. It is important to remember that any response has to be symmetrical, otherwise it will cause nothing but more insults. That’s why let’s not lose our heads, as it has happened with Borat movie, when the reaction to the low-quality obscenity was coming from even the Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan. Such inadequate reaction can easily cause a so-called “Barbara Streisand effect” common on the Internet, when in response to banning some information it on the contrary spreads though more websites,” the expert said.

October 24 2012, 12:17

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