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“KZ: President suggests renaming the country”, “Chinese zoo under fire for disguising hairy dog as lion”, “Britain's River Thames on flood alert”, “US to expand rights of married same-sex partners”, “The Euro Is A Rearview Gauge of Geopolitics"

1 190 просмотрs “Chinese zoo under fire for disguising hairy dog as lion” - A Chinese zoo's supposed ‘African lion’ was exposed as a fraud when the dog used as a substitute started barking.

“Britain's River Thames on flood alert as blame game rages” - Thousands of homes in southeast England were braced for flooding on Monday after the River Thames burst its banks, as a political row over the handling of devastating winter storms erupted into the open.

“US to expand rights of married same-sex partners”- The US government will issue an order Monday to expand the rights of same-sex spouses and put them on the same footing in federal legal matters as traditional couples. “The Euro Is A Rearview Gauge Of Geopolitical Risk” - What Goes Up Will Go Down. Five weeks into 2014 the Eurozone-18 and even the EU-28's stock exchanges are being treated as something of a safe haven bet by investors retreating from “risk assets” in emerging economies. They also see the euro money as safe, but this is very far from sure. The president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi has admitted either openly or by implication many times since the 2008 crisis began, that the euro is overvalued. “Kazakhstan: President suggests renaming the country” - The president of Kazakhstan has apparently suggested changing the country's name, saying the "stan" at the end puts off tourists and discourages investors. Eurasian Economic Union draft agreement ready: Belarus” - Belarusian First Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko said Thursday that the draft agreement on the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union is ready. “Koirala becomes Nepal PM”- Koirala gets 405 of the 553 votes cast, with 148 members voting against him. Nepali Congress President Sushil Koirala was elected prime minister of Nepal on Monday, The Hindu reports. Koirala, the sole contestant in the premier race, got 405 of the 553 votes cast, with 148 members voting against him.


February 10 2014, 17:57

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