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Nazarbayev told Austrians about democracy and Zhanaozen

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“In the issues of democracy Kazakhstan is not like Europe that came to it for hundreds of years, however, the country reached great success in this field in the post soviet space,” Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev told a briefing following the meeting with President of Austria Heinz Fischer.

"Kazakhstan aspires to democracy, otherwise we would not have chaired the OSCE and could not hold its summit. We are thankful for the appreciation of our efforts," the Kazakh President told.

"We believe that the path to democracy in Kazakhstan just begins, so we learn and perceive the positive advice of our friends. I believe that regarding this Kazakhstan has made substantial progress at the post soviet space, as highlighted by our partners and friends," Nazarbayev added.

The President of Kazakhstan also stressed absolutely free elections in Kazakhstan, no censorship in the media, no politically persecuted and infringement by religion.

Nazarbayev characterized the events in Zhanaozen as the usual labor conflict between workers and the employer, when as a result of mass riots, as per official figures only, 16 people died, reports “Interfax Kazakhstan”.

According to the president of Kazakhstan, “criminal elements, pursuing their personal interests, were involved into the conflict and turned it into bloody collision”.

— A completely open, public and transparent trial was held. All mass media, everybody who wanted to participate in the fair court, had a chance to be there. All the guilty were condemned not for any other actions, but for specific crimes. Representatives of law enforcement agencies who exceeded their powers and opened fire with intent to kill were also condemned. Those who kindled the conflict also received the punishment, - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

WKT citing Interfax Kazakhstan

October 23 2012, 11:55

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