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Criminal case launched against ex-deputy governor

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On October 22, the press service of the Agency on Combat against Economic and Corruption Crimes (Financial Police) reported about initiation of two criminal cases: against Bolat DAUKENOV, the former first deputy akim of Atyrau Oblast and Rustem AL’BAKASOV, the director of KAZCASPIAN INDUSTRIAL SERVICE LLP (the son-in-law of ex-akim of Atyrau Oblast, Bergei Ryskaliyev).

On October 17, a criminal case has been initiated against Bolat Daukenov and other persons over embezzlement of funds from the “Business-Komek” state fund. More than 200 mln tenge was stolen from fund. In 2009-2011 the money had been donated by business entities for construction of a new mosque. Daukenov was detained on September 12 and is currently kept in a pre-trial detention center (see. “Ex deputy governor Daukenov arrested”). 

On October 18, 2012 a criminal case was launched against Rustem Al’bakasov, over embezzlement of 343 mln tenge, allocated for purchasing of land plots required for state needs as well as the officials of Atyrau Akimat. Al’bakasov is now in wanted list (see “Wanted by Finpol”).

“As of today there are 28 criminal cases initiated on the facts of committing corruption crimes by the officials of akimat of Atyrau oblast and contracting companies which caused the damage to the state in the total amount over 30bn tenge. The financial police is continuing to force compensation of the damage to the state. On a voluntary manner 13 illegally privatized facilities, costing nearly 21bn tenge, have been returned to the state,” – reads the report of the financial police.

The report also reads that for the purpose of compensation of the damage, the investigation-operative group imposed arrest on 298 items of property: 58 land plots, 126 primary and secondary facilities (administrative buildings, residential houses, office spaces and apartments), 5 shares of participation in charter capitals of commercial organizations, 10 vehicles, 90 units of  various equipment, 9 bank accounts with total amount over 1bn tenge.


October 23 2012, 11:01

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