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Ukraine unrest timeline

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Deputies attend the Ukrainian parliament during the extraordinary session in Kiev on January 28, 2014. (AFP)Deputies attend the Ukrainian parliament during the extraordinary session in Kiev on January 28, 2014. (AFP)The Ukrainian capital has been gripped by weeks of anti-government protests which have seen violent clashes between rioters and police. Unrest is also spreading beyond Kiev as the opposition and government struggle to end the crisis, reports.

Tuesday, January 28

12:36 GMT:

One of the three policemen who were stabbed during a protest in Khersones, southern Ukraine, on Monday, died in hospital, Ukraine’s Interior Ministry said, as quoted by Itar-Tass. With the latest death, a total of two protesters and two policemen were killed in that rally.

11:40 GMT:

Ukraine's former Presidents Viktor Yushchenko (L), Leonid Kravchuk (R) and Leonid Kuchma attend a session in the Ukrainian Parliament in Kiev, January 28, 2014.(ReutersUkraine's former Presidents Viktor Yushchenko (L), Leonid Kravchuk (R) and Leonid Kuchma attend a session in the Ukrainian Parliament in Kiev, January 28, 2014. (Reuters)The Ukrainian parliament is to debate a bill on the creation of a special commission on changing the constitution, Arseny Yatsenyuk, the leader of opposition party Batkivshchina, said as quoted by RIA Novosti.

11:36 GMT:

Ukraine’s parliament is set to debate later on Tuesday the legislation to give amnesty to the participants of the protests across the country.

10:51 GMT:

Nine out of 12 anti-protest laws passed on January 16 have been canceled during the special session of the Ukrainian Parliament.

It was one of the main demands of the opposition.

10:50 GMT:

Three former Ukrainian presidents are participating in a session of the country’s parliament aimed at ending the unrest in the country.

10:36 GMT:

Ukraine’s Justice Minister Elena Lukash has said a state of emergency is not on the agenda.

10:27 GMT:

Participants of the mass protests in Ukraine could be exempt from prosecution, if a bill, which has been registered in the country’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, is passed. 

"The draft bill has been authored to prevent negative consequences for and prosecution of participants of mass protests, which have taken place between December 2013 and January 2014,”the bill’s author, Leonid Emets, an MP from the opposition Fartherland (Batkivshchina) party, told Itar-Tass. "If the bill’s passed, that would alleviate tension in the community,” he added.

10:21 GMT:

Ukraine’s parliament is set to debate the laws on amnesty and the cancelation of the January 16 law. It is considered that the new law may enter in force after all buildings seized by the opposition are freed.

10:00 GMT:

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton is planning to carry out negotiations with Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovich and the opposition leaders, according to Ashton’s press secretary, as quoted by Itar-Tass.

09:46 GMT:

Members of the opposition and of the ruling party have spoken out over the submission of the resignation of Ukraine’s premier, Nikolay Azarov.

In particular, the leader of the ‘Udar’ (Strike) party, Vitaly Klitschko, believes that the move was an attempt to “save face.”

January 28 2014, 17:54

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