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Russian woman from Astrakhan changes gender to escape debts

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Photo:RIA Novosti.Photo:RIA Novosti.A Russian woman on the run over unpaid debts has changed sex in an apparent attempt to avoid paying them back -but is still liable for the money, bailiffs said Monday.

"The debtor changed gender to try to escape liabilities," the press service of the bailiff service of the southern Astrakhan region said in a statement.

The 38-year-old woman, named only as Natalya, changed sex to become a man named Andrian after building up debts of around 130 000 rubles (R41 730), a spokeswoman for the bailiffs told AFP.

"During our investigation, we found out that the woman doesn't exist anymore, and now a man exists," said Yevgenia Zarynsh.

After changing gender, the man received a new passport with different details which he used as ID to secure new loans, bailiffs said.

But even such a drastic measure would not cancel the debts Andrian acquired as a woman, Zarynsh said.

"He will be liable all the same, despite the gender change. It's futile. He'll still have to pay them back. If a debtor thinks he can escape that way, he's very much mistaken," said the spokeswoman.

As a man Andrian has now built up new debts -- this time unpaid taxes, Zarynsh added. He is still on the run.

January 27 2014, 18:06

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