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Man arrested in NY Federal Reserve bomb plot

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Federal Reserve of NY in Manhattan“Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, 21, was arrested on Wednesday in downtown Manhattan after he allegedly attempted to detonate what he believed to be a 1,000-pound bomb at the New York Federal Reserve Bank on Liberty Street in lower Manhattan's financial district," the FBI confirms an email just sent to reporters.

It adds that:

“The arrest of Nafis was the culmination of an undercover operation during which he was closely monitored by the FBI New York Field Office's Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). The explosives that he allegedly sought and attempted to use had been rendered inoperable by law enforcement and posed no threat to the public. ...

“According to the criminal complaint filed today in the Eastern District of New York, defendant Nafis, a Bangladeshi national, traveled to the United States in January 2012 for the purpose of conducting a terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Nafis, who reported having overseas connections to al-Qaida, attempted to recruit individuals to form a terrorist cell inside the United States,” reported

October 19 2012, 15:31

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