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Court approves arrest of Kazakh vice minister of agriculture

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The court has approved the arrest of the Kazakh Vice Minister of Agriculture, Muslim Umiryaev, the Kazakh Agency on Fighting Economic and Corruption Crimes said on Dec. 26, according to

"Astana city's Almaty District Court No. 2 approved the arrest of the Kazakh Vice Minister of Agriculture, Muslim Umiryaev, based on the presented materials of the criminal case," according to the agency.

The agency said that the vice minister is being accused of taking bribe totalling $100,000 from an entrepreneur for providing assistance in winning the public procurement competition.

"Umiryaev was detained by officers of the Agency on Fighting Economic and Corruption Crimes on Dec. 21 after he took bribe in his apartment. The criminal case is being investigated, no any other information has been disclosed in the interests of investigation," the agency said

Earlier Kazakh Minister of Agriculture Asylzhan Mamytbekov said to media outlets that he does not believe that his colleague is guilty and is ready to resign, if the detainee's guilt in bribery suspicion is proved.

December 26 2013, 19:36

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