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Kazakhstan's violin player Marat Bisengaliev gave a concert in Beijing

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Marat BisengalievMarat BisengalievKazakhstan's master violin player Marat Bisengaliev performed a solo violin program within the North European concert of symphonic music, whicha was held on Sunday in Beijing concert hall of the Bolshoi Theatre of China, reports.

Kazakh violin virtuoso performed at the Metropolitan stage of China to Beijing Symphony Orchestra under the direction of the famous Finnish conductor Lajfa Segerstam.

The audience was delighted and would not let the musicians off stage. Despite the fact that the main theme of the concert was devoted to the classical music of Northern Europe, the audience was lucky enough to hear an excerpt of the Kazakh national product " Zhez Kiik " performed by maestro Bisengaliyev when he again came out on stage for an encore by persistent public applause.

Mr.Bisengaliev was for the second time playing with the Beijing Symphony Orchestra. First he visited the Chinese capital in 2011, while he also gave a concert with the Beijing Symphony Orchestra. Performance at this concert has been made possible thanks to a good relationship with China's leading promotional company «Wu Promotion», which has branches throughout the world .

Marat Bisengaliev is a famous violinist and conductor. Born in 1962 in Almaty (Kazakhstan). Graduated from the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. He is the winner of many international competitions. In 2003 he founded the West Kazakhstan Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2006 he became director of the Indian Symphony Orchestra (Mumbai), where he is currently working.

December 17 2013, 09:05

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