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Head of fish inspection and crime investigator nailed for bribes

1 650 просмотрs

By Murat Sultangaliev

Financial police released information about initiation of criminal cases against the head of fish protection department of Zhyloy region and crime investigator from Atyrau Internal Affairs Department.

“Financial police department of Atyrau Oblast initiated criminal case according to Article 311, part 2 of RoK Criminal Code (“Accepting of bribe by an official”) against the head of fish protection department of Zhyloy region Mr. N, who received a bribe in the amount of 50 000 tenge for not imposing liability for “Illegal hunting” according to Article 298 of RoK Admin Code," reads press release.

The press release also reports about detention of an investigator from Atyrau Internal Affairs Department, who was caught during bribe taking in the amount of 25 000 tenge for not imposing administrative liability. FinPol initiated a criminal case as per Article 311, part 2 of RoK Criminal Code.

December 2 2013, 14:50

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