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“Kazakhs send a rocket bill to Russia”, “Swaziland Receives E1m Grant From Kazakhstan”, “Kazakhstan-Japan antinuclear exhibition”, “Science mostly made up”,“Greenpeace Сaptain Describes Fear Felt in Jail”

1 153 просмотрs “Kazakhs send a rocket bill to Russia” - Back in July a Proton rocket crashed spectacularly a few seconds after take-off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Not helping matters was the thousands of gallons of highly-toxic Heptyl rocket fuel that exploded and was spread over the surrounding area. Now the Kazakhstan government has sent a bill to the Russians, who build the Proton rocket, to pay for the clean-up. “Swaziland Receives E1m Grant From Kazakhstan” - Swaziland has received E1 million grant from the Government of Kazakhstan through the country’s Embassy in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.The grant is in respect of support the Government of Kazakhstan received in bidding and eventually winning to host expo 2017. “Kazakhstan-Japan antinuclear exhibition” - A joint exhibition by Japanese designer Hiromi Inayoshi and artist Karipbek Kuyukov from Kazakhstan was held Nov. 19 at the Nippon Press Center Building in Tokyo. “Science mostly made up” - Most scientific discoveries are fabricated in order to get money and fame, a scientist has revealed. Physicist Professor Julian Cook said he and fellow scientists invent all their findings in order to get grants and BBC2 series. Greenpeace Сaptain Describes Fear Felt in Jail - The U.S. captain of the Greenpeace ship seized by the Russian coast guard described on Sunday the stress and fear he and the other 29 people on board felt when they were thrown into Russian jails, with no idea when they would get out. "Rodin" ballet by Boris Eifman performed at Astana opera”- "Rodin" Ballet by Boris Eifman was performed at Astana Opera. This premiere is a novelty in the full sense of the word, both for the audience and for the performers. ‘Rodin’ by Eifman was staged in the modern style. Artists consider this ballet performance to be difficult and unusual for classical ballet movements. The main task is to show the feelings between lovers Rodin and Camille. Performer of the leading role Aigerim Beketayeva says that she has not experienced such feelings in her life before. She has been preparing for a long time to understand and show unfamiliar emotions to the audience. “Experience of interethnic and interreligious harmony in Kazakhstan discussed in Abu Dhabi” - In the capital of the United Arab Emirates, the city of Abu Dhabi, at the University of "Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi", there took place the international conference titled "Kazakhstan's role in the dialogue of civilizations".

November 25 2013, 09:59

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