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International airport in Taraz to open soon

3 124 просмотрs

The international airport called "Aulie- Ata" in Taraz is preparing to open, and so the visit of the Minister of Transport and Communications of Kazakhstan Askar Zhumagaliev is expected.

As previously reported, October 21, 2013 in Taraz was completed the reconstruction of a runway, which started in the framework of a memorandum signed in 2012 at the International Forum «Taraz Invest». The contractor of construction is Zhambyl "K- Dorstroy" Ltd. Financing is fully implemented from the Transport and Communications Ministry funds.

The length of the runway is 3,5 thousand meters, width is 60 m, which will take all modern aircraft, heavy aircraft like  Boeing and Airbus. The surface has a reinforced asphalt concrete pavement. A new lighting system has been installed to ensure a flight given the difficult weather conditions. All these works are financed from the national budget to KZT 4.7 billion.

In addition, the owner of the airport  - «SCAT» airline - works on expanding and strengthening coatings of taxiways, apron and parking. This will let serve up to eight planes, including up to four aircraft of class "E" (747, AN-124 (Ruslan), Airbus 380), with a wingspan of more than 70 m.

Also at the expense of the company's own funds the passenger terminal is undergoing reconstruction, the project that was presented in June 2013. Investment made KZT1.8 bn. It is planned to complete the works in May 2014. The new passenger terminal area will be  ​​5.5 thousand square meters. It will serve up to 200 passengers per hour, ensuring growth in passenger traffic and a high level of service.

"Commissioning of the upgraded runway will attract more airlines to Taraz Airport and open new passenger and cargo flights. In the future, the number of serviceable aircraft can grow three times, passengers - up to 120,000 a year. Certification of the airport on the 2nd category of ICAO is scheduled for the first half of 2014. Now there are no technical obstacles in order to make direct flights from Taraz to all major cities of the continent ",  assures Transport and Communications Ministry.

In addition to operating flights "Taraz-Astana" and "Taraz-Almaty" there are in the plans flights to other areas, for example, to Moscow, Istanbul, Ust -Kamenogorsk, Urumqi, Aktau, Atyrau, as well as the opening of summer charter tourism program in Antalya and Dubai.


November 21 2013, 12:12

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