Atyrau, July 27 04:42
 clearВ Атырау +25
$ 474.83
€ 515.38
₽ 5.50

Atyrau International Jazz Festival - 2013

1 748 просмотрs

International Jazz Festival was held in Atyrau on Ocotber 25. Saltanat Ashirova and MAP (Kygyzstan), Aisel Mammadova and Trio (Azerbaijan), "Khazar" group from Aktau (Kazakhstan), Gaukhar Sattarova and Steps from Almaty (KZ) and combined rock group from Atyrau (KZ) played jazz compositions on that evening. "It was one of the best musical performances that ever happened in Atyrau"- was the opinion of the local musician and keyboard player Zair after the festival.

October 31 2013, 15:05

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