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Ex-mayor sold land to foreigner

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The former Atyrau city mayor illegally sold the land plot on the bank of the Ural River, reports, citing Atyrau prosecutor's press service.  The land plot (1 439 sq.m) located in the water protection zone was purchased by the citizen of India (KazMunaiService LLP Manager) for 3 million tenge. The  Indian owner of the land plot was planning to build a hotel and a restaurant.


The land plot was sold by Askar Kerimov, ex-mayor of Atyrau, bypassing the nature protection department. Kerimov signed the resolution about the transfer of the land plot to the Indian citizen right before his detention (he was arrested a year ago during legal investigations of Ryskalievs’ case).

The only street that led to the river embankment now is fenced and the construction activities are ongoing. The city residents are revolted with the fact that free access to the river is now blocked and heavy trucks are rushing past their houses.

According to the law, it is forbidden to construct any facility within 35 meters from the coast line. But at this site the facilities are constructed at the distance of only 13 meters from the river coastline. The representative of the city water preservation inspectorate says that nobody approached them for the permit and the inspectorate’s office was absolutely ignored.

Bissen Kuanov, the chief of water protection and regulation of use of water resources of the Ural-Caspian basin inspectorate said that the concluded bargain contradicts the law. 

The nature protection prosecutor's office announced that the decision about transfer of the land plot was illegal, and the land should be returned back to the state. Gani Abdrakhmanov, the assistant to the nature protection prosecutor of Atyrau Oblast, said that their office is preparing the materials for submission of the claim for cancellation of the above decision and annulment of the land plot transfer contract.

The city prosecutor's office said that the government officials involved in this business will be taken to responsibility and the Indian citizen will either get compensation for damages or be provided with another land plot.

October 25 2013, 10:15

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