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On the Road to Green Economy

2 389 просмотрs

By Zeena Urynbassarova

Akmaral Elemesova, the representative of the West Kazakhstan branch of the National Center of Expertise and CertificationAkmaral Elemesova, the representative of the West Kazakhstan branch of the National Center of Expertise and Certification“On the Road to “Green Economy” seminar was held in Atyrau on October 21 for major energy consuming companies. The seminar was organized by the Kazakhstan Petroleum Association.

The “Green economy” Law in Kazakhstan becomes effective January 1, 2014. According to the Law, the companies consuming energy resources in the volumes equivalent to 1500 or more tons of conditional fuel a year, are obligated to introduce energy management system in accordance with the international ISO 50001 standard. Akmaral Elemesova, the representative of the West Kazakhstan branch of the National Center of Expertise and Certification, outlined the principles of ISO 50001 energy management system in her report. She noted that implementation of the “Green Economy” process in Kazakhstan will depend not only on the major companies, but also on each Kazakhstan citizen: “We can start the process of energy saving now. For example, if we buy less energy-intensive refrigerators of class A and A+ or start using economy cars”.

Ruslan Moukangaliev, the representative of Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B. V., said that the transition to “Green Economy” will be implemented in 3 stages: “The 1st stage (2013-2020) -  is the establishment of “green” infrastructure in the country. The 2nd stage (2020-2030) – full-scale introduction of renewable energy technologies and the 3d stage (2030-2050)  -  the transition of national economy to the principles of “the 3rd industrial revolution”, at the basis of  which will be the use of renewable sources of energy”.

Within the framework of transition to “Green Economy” it is envisaged to fully replace the heating systems at the housing and communal economies, to develop “clean transport”, to open “Green” Business Academy for training new energy managers, etc.

- “Green Economy” is a new thinking and a new way of life. If the traditional economy is about production of goods and waste, “the green economy” has to return waste back into production cycle, - said Zhandos Orazaliev, the representative of Lloyd's Register.

Kazakhstan, as well as other countries – the participants of the recent summit “RIO+20” sees in “green economy” the way out of the economic and ecological crisis, as well as social. And the matter here is not in curbing the growth and development, but, on the contrary, in improvement of quality of life and our environment.

October 23 2013, 11:19

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