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Kazakhstan Corps A is not an elite, it’s national service: Nazarbayev

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Kazakhstan Corps A is not an elite but the national service, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev said during meeting with civil servants of the administrative case A, correspondent reports.

"You have to understand that this is the highest trust of the state. Professionalism, honor and honesty, initiative, patriotism, service to the people, high moral and moral qualities - are the main lines of the civil servant. You always have to remember that the Corps A is not an elite, as some started speaking, it is the national service. Never forget that you are servants of the people. It isn't necessary to be indifferent to people, it is necessary to listen to them, to answer their questions. To speak and answer directly if it is possible, without dragging on offices, resolve his issue. If it is impossible, tell "no", or tell: wait, it will be solved in half a year. But give to the person the answer," the Head of state emphasized. 

"You know, sometimes it is enough to listen to the person. Certainly, sometimes we do not have time for this but it is necessary to do it. It is important to be able to convince people. To have with them pure, open conversation. In it your mission and a great duty, you remember that you part of the president's team working for the sake of our homeland. I wish you interesting work, successes and a good health," Nazarbayev said.

October 17 2013, 14:57

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