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Belarus' Lukashenko to visit Astana

1 424 просмотрs

Aleksandr Lukashenko will render an official visit to Astana on October 3-4, Tengrinews reports citing the Kazakhstan President’s official website.

On October 3-4 Nursultan Nazarbayev will hold a bilateral meeting with Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko.

The Presidents will discuss enhancement of the bilateral cooperation in trade and economic, industrial and innovative sectors, as well as industrial cooperation in agriculture.

They will also discuss the course of development of the integration processes in the post-Soviet space, primarily within the CU (Customs Union) and the CES (Common Economic Space). Besides, the plan is to sign a joint statement and several bilateral documents.

The coming visit of Belarus President is called to consolidate and boost the cooperation between the countries in the bilateral and multilateral formats and follow up the current international issues, the press-service writes.

October 1 2013, 12:06

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