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Several countries interested in free trade with Customs Union

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Customs Union logoCustoms Union logo

Several countries show interest for free trade with Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, RIA Novosti reported with the reference to senior official from Russia in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Valery Sorokin.

According to Sorokin, Singapore and Chile are interested in the conclusion of free trade zone agreements with the Customs Union.

Moreover the Customs Union member countries are negotiating with New Zealand and Vietnam on their joining the free trade zone.

"The negotiations are underway. Other countries of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation also show interest for negotiations with Russia on the conclusion of preferential trade agreements," Sorokin said.

Meanwhile, according to Sorokin, Russia first plans to complete the negotiations with the mentioned countries and then expand the network of free trade agreements basing on some positive experience.

He said that the negotiations on trade agreements with Customs Union are jointly coordinated by Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.


September 30 2013, 09:55

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