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Kazakhstan public debt exceeds $23bn

2 242 просмотрs

As of October 1, 2012, the amount of Kazakhstan's public debt issued in the form of government securities made 3trln 594.6bn tenge or $23bn 986.7mln including services, concluded the Irbis Information Agency analyzing its databases, writes

In September, 2012, the total debt amount increased by 19.2bn tenge (+0.5%) or $56.1mln (+0.2%). In August, 2012, the debt amount grew by 53.7bn tenge (+1.5%) or $440.9mln (+1.9%).

The equivalents were calculated on the exchange rate - 149.86 tenge for a dollar on Sep 30, 2012, and 149.41 as of August 31, 2012.


October 10 2012, 09:16

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