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'From Khazar to Kazakh' hits the road to past

3 451 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Bainekeyeva

Atyrau Oblast Deputy Governor Shyngys MUKAN wishing good luck to the expedition team minutes before the journeyAtyrau Oblast Deputy Governor Shyngys MUKAN wishing the team good luck in the journey

August 1, a group of historians and archaeologists went down on an expedition to poor-explored places of Atyrau Oblast in a campaign titled From Khazar to Kazakh. The regional television will create a series of documentary upon return from the journey. 

Speculations exist that the ethnonym 'Kazakh' derived from 'Khazar', yet a disputable fact.

At that, there are credible historical documents that prove the Caspian Sea was once called the sea of Khazars.

Whatever there is, it is a fact that Kazakhs have a direct relation to this great lake.

Several offroad cars with a film crew, archaeologists and historians onboard will drive across the Plateau of Donyztau and visit the tomb of Kulsary the Batyr [Kulsary the Warrior] in Zhylyoi District; the ancient town of Karabau in Kyzylkoga District; a salt lake in Inder District; the Tas-Kyran memorial headstone in Issatai District; a burial ground of Sarmats and the Kenenbai Cave in Kurmangazy District and finish the route at the ancient town Aktobe-Laeti.

The journey is to last nearly a month and the TV team promised to air the first of the film series in September.

According to the provincial historical heritage preservation inspection, Atyrau Oblast is a home to 313 officially recorded memorials and 525 objects of historical and architectural value. 

The project is sponsored by the regional authorities - the Public Council for Studying National History chaired by Governor Baktykozha Izmukhambetov.



August 15 2013, 12:06

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