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Kazakhstan, Iran discuss army coop

1 735 просмотрs

The department of Commander-in-Chief Land Forces of Kazakhstan has hosted a meeting between Murat Maykeev, Lieutenant General, and Colonel Hamza Ruhi Kabarega, the military attaché under the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the press service of the Defense Ministry informs.

The “round table” discussed the issues of cooperation of ground forces of the two states, training of military personnel in relevant educational institutions of Kazakhstan and Iran. In addition, for the purpose of creating more close collaboration, the parties discussed the possibility for military delegations of Kazakhstan and Iran to make exchange visits.

Colonel Hamza Ruhi Kabarega in the talks with Maykeev praised military training and professionalism of the Kazakh soldiers. He noted that the presence of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the military parade showed his high confidence in the army.

At the end of the event Murat Maykeev congratulated the guests on the recent inauguration of the new President of Iran.


August 13 2013, 14:43

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