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Ablyazov faces 12 years in jail in Ukraine

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Ex-banker of Kazakhstan's BTA bank Mukhtar Ablyazov may be sentenced to 5 to 12 years in jail in Ukraine where he is accused of major fraud, reports citing western media.

According to head of Kiev police Igor Mikhalko, Ukrainian investigators are working on a criminal case where Ablyazov is accused of major fraud. “As far as I know, he was put on the wanted list by Russia and Kazakhstan as well,” Mikhalko said. According to the media, it is still unclear to which country and when the exile banker may be extradited to.

Mukhtar Ablyazov was arrested by French special forces not far from Cannes on July 31. He was apprehended under the extradition request of Ukraine.

The Aix-en-Provence court decided to leave Mukhtar Ablyazov in custody until the decision on his extradition is made. The extradition is awaited by Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine as Ablyazov is wanted in all of these countries for major fraud. Kazakhstan has no extradition agreement with France and extradition to Russia would face limitations. That’s why Ablyazov will most likely to be extradited to Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Amnesty International has called the authorities in France to make sure that Mukhtar Ablyazov gets a fair extradition process and that he is not sent to any country that may return him to Kazakhstan.

Tengri News

August 5 2013, 14:30

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