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Kazakh pilots to train in Finland

2 199 просмотрs

The Academy of Civil Aviation of Kazakhstan has launched a joint pilot training with «Patria» Finnish Flight School, according to web-site.

"In April current year, during official visit to Kazakhstan of Sauli Niinistö, President of Finland, the memorandum was signed by Academy of Civil Aviation and «Patria» Flight School (Finland) on joint training of pilots", statement of Ministry of Education and Science reads.

According to the press service of the Ministry, Mikko Paron, «Patria» flight school director and chief psychologist of the institute Matti Sorsa have selected 12 students from the Academy. The applicants took spoken English exam and had an interview with a psychologist and passed the proficiency skill and professional competence tests.

The main feature of the project is that pilots will be able to obtain licenses satisfying European standards and carry out both domestic and international flights.


July 11 2013, 17:28

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