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More oil work under way in Kazakhstan. Nations mark opening of joint water project. China, Kazakhstan exchange criminal suspects. Tony Jeffries: This is boxing not Borat

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UPI - More oil work under way in Kazakhstan - Max Petroleum, which has headquarters in London, said in a May report it believed the Zhana Makat field holds about 1.3 million barrels of oil in proven reserves. The company said Monday it was targeting reserves in a shallow area of the Uytas field, which has about half the proven reserves as Zhana Makat.

People's Daily - China, Kazakhstan exchange criminal suspects - China and Kazakhstan have exchanged two suspects involved in economic crimes, the Ministry of Public Security said Monday.

China Daily - Nations mark opening of joint water project - Designed by Kazakhstan and built by China, the project can draw at least 50 cubic meters of water per second to be equally shared by each nation. Likewise, both paid an equal amount for the $9.56 million investment. The project began on April 15, 2011.

Travel Mole - Flesh mob spells out Kazakh snow leopard mountain protest - Letter sent to President signed by 7,000 campaigners gets no snubbed so "Flesh Mob" take to the snowy peaks to protest.

Eurasianet - Kazakhstan: Nazarbayev Eyes Legacy as Astana Reaches Adolescence - The country marked Astana Day as a national holiday on July 6, which is also Nazarbayev’s birthday (he turned 73 this year). There is heavy symbolism in celebrating the anniversary of Nazarbayev’s brainchild on the day he was born.

The Journal - Trade visit forges Kazakhstan links for North East firm Kilfrost - A North East company that produces de-icer for the rail and aviation industries has confirmed it hopes to open a new manufacturing plant in Kazakhstan

Chronicle Live - Tony Jeffries: This is boxing not Borat - When most people think of Kazakhstan the first thing that comes to mind is Borat but now boxing fans will think of middleweight boxing sensation Gennady Golovkin too.

Business Today - Chinese firm foils ONGC Videsh's $5 billion Kazakh deal - ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) has lost the race to buy an 8.4 per cent stake in a Kazakhstan oil field to Chinese firm CNPC. Had the purchase come through - for $5 billion from global exploration major ConocoPhillips - it would have been OVL's biggest ever acquisition till date.



July 9 2013, 17:30

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