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Vienna watches Zhauzhurek Myn Bala and Shal. Human Rights, Hashtags and the UK's Policy Towards Central Asia. Azerbaijan extends cooperation with Kazakhstan’s western provinces

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Tengri News - Vienna watches Zhauzhurek Myn Bala and Shal - During the Days the visitors are offered to watch Zhauzhurek Myn Bala by Akan Satayev, For the Sake of the Future by Erlan Saginov Shal by Yermek Tursunov and The Little Hunter by Erlan Nurmuhambetov. The original movies are screened in Kazakh or Russian languages with English subtitles.

APA - Azerbaijan extends cooperation with Kazakhstan’s western provinces - Azerbaijani delegation consisting of officials and businessmen led by Minister of Economic Development Shahin Mustafayev was on a visit to Aktau, Kazakhstan, to hold discussions on extension of economic relations with Kazakhstan, including its western provinces, establishment of Azerbaijan’s logistics centers here, promotion of business relations between the businessmen, extension of economic relations.

Asia Times - Nazarbayev, Karimov seek water solution - It was not the first time Central Asia's water disputes have taken a prominent place on the summit agenda of the presidents of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, Nursultan Nazarbayev and Islam Karimov, respectively. But the meeting in Tashkent on June 14-15 attached particular importance to water management, as it became part of the new Strategic Partnership Agreement between the two countries.

The Huffington Post - Human Rights, Hashtags and the UK's Policy Towards Central Asia - This week, David Cameron has announced a visit to Kazakhstan; the first ever visit by a British leader to Central Asia. On the agenda will be security issues, the pull-out from Afghanistan, and oil and gas. Though the human rights climate in Kazakhstan has seriously deteriorated in the last two years, it's not as bad as some neighbouring countries. Last week, Baroness Warsi, the minister responsible for both human rights and Central Asia at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, travelled to some of these, more rights-abusing neighbours.

Post Gazette - Russian Space Center in Kazakhstan Counts Down Its Days of Glory - On a sultry desert evening, as bats fluttered about this town's riverfront park, a man emerged from a reedy marsh carrying a bundle of grass tied with twine.

Eurasianet - Kazakhstan: Astana Mulls Expansion of Anti-Terror Controls - Six suspects are accused of scheming to blow up Astana’s pyramid and its new opera house, and assassinate unidentified “senior figures.” If substantiated, the case would mark a departure from previous tactics: radicals have hitherto targeted security forces rather than civilians in sporadic and haphazardly planned attacks that started in 2011.

Bernama - Kazakhstan's Women Entrepreneurs Hope To Learn From Malaysia - "We see Malaysia as an Asian tiger and are ready to receive valuable insights.

 "Kazakhstan's women entrepreneurs hope to go further in business and are keen to learn from the best, particularly Malaysia, and in terms of innovation," said Kazakhstan Association of Businesswomen president, Raushan Sarsembayeva.


June 20 2013, 17:25

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