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China preserved 3 500 priceless historic documents about Kazakhstan

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Researchers from Kazakhstan brought some 3 500 unique previously unknown documents about the history and culture of Kazakh steppe from China.

These documents were discovered during an expedition launched within the framework of the Cultural Heritage State Program, Culture and Information Minister of Kazakhstan Darkhan Mynbai told the Forum of CIS Librarians on Wednesday.

According to Minister Mynbai, within this program Kazakhstan gathered a lot of priceless materials about its history across the world as the expeditions to Turkey, Mongolia, Russia, Japan, Egypt, the U.S. and Western Europe were organized as well.

"Thanks to the expeditions, 5 000 unique archive documents about the history and culture of Kazakhstan will be added to the Fund of the National Library," D. Mynbai said.

October 2 2012, 17:35

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