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Synoptics promise hot June

1 573 просмотрs

By Saule Tasbulatova

Weather forecasters say the first half of June will be hot.

At large, the temperature diagram is similar to that of June in 1995 - the first half will be hot, then it will get milder, says Kulaina Myrzasheva, the head of weather forecast of Atyrau Oblast Kazgidromet, the republican meteorological agency.

Some places of the oblast might see rainfall, lightning and dust storms. 

South-west wind changing direction to the west with a speed of up to 15-20 m/s is expected in the first and last days of the first ten-day. 

Night temperatures will rise gradually, from +15, +20 on Celcius and more.

Day temperatures may reach +35 Centigrade in some places.

The second ten-day period will bring +13+18 at nights and between +27+32 and +32+37 during daylight.

End of the month: +18+23 nights and +27+37 days.

Rainfalls are expected to be less than normal.


June 6 2013, 14:21

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