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Eight Sentenced On Terrorism Charges In Kazakhstan. Wales behind Kazakhstan in doctor numbers. Kazakh Court Hands Down Sentences For Ablyazov Passports.

971 просмотрs

Radio Free Europe - Eight Sentenced On Terrorism Charges In Kazakhstan - Eight men have been convicted on terrorism-related charges in Kazakhstan's western city of Atyrau on June 5.

Armenia Looks West, Tries To Loosen Moscow’s Grip - "For many years, Armenia was in grave danger of becoming little more than a Russian garrison state, marked by significant overdependence on Russia and, at times, political submission to Russia's interests," Giragosian says. "This has changed in the past two to three years, however."

Kazakh Court Hands Down Sentences For Ablyazov Passports - A court in Kazakhstan's western city of Atyrau has sentenced several people for illegally arranging travel documents for a fugitive banker's relatives.

ITV - Wales behind Kazakhstan in doctor numbers - Wales has fewer doctors per head of population than Kazakhstan and Moldova, according to Plaid Cymru. The party's made its claim after analysing publicly available statistics and comparing them to figures from the World Health Organisation.

Novinite - Bulgaria Beats Kazakhstan 2:1 in Away Football Friendly - Kazakhstan's Dmitriy Shomko returned a goal one minute before the game's end.

Gulf News - UAE foundation completes Kazakhstan projects - Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation builds mosque and hospital in city of Shymkent

June 5 2013, 17:27

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