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Third of top government officials to be replaced in Kazakhstan

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30 percent of the state workers whose positions have been transferred to the A Block have not passed the tests, reports citing chairman of Kazakhstan State Service Agency Alikhan Baimenov.

“511 state workers whose positions were transferred to the A Block applied to take the tests to become members of the Block. 155 of them -- 30 percent -- did not pass the tests. They include one executive secretary, 2 heads of oblast Akim (Governor) offices, 8 chairmen of commissions, 20 chairman and members of the revision commissions, 54 Akims (Mayors and Governors) and 2 chairmen of the disciplinary councils of the State Service Agency,” Baimenov said at the briefing in Kazakhstan President’s Central Communications Service.

“We can say that after the test the personnel of the A Block will be renewed by at least 30 percent,” he summarized.

According to Baimenov, the tests were taken by the total of 1,787 candidates, including 499 state workers of the A Block, 931 other state workers and 357 non-state workers. 64 candidates did not turn in for the test.

“72 percent of the persons who took the tests were not the state workers of the A Block positions,” he added.

“1,124 candidates (62.9 percent) gained the threshold score and passed the tests successfully, 663 candidates (37.1 percent) did not score enough points. 15 candidates scored 100 of 100 possible points,” Baimenov said.

He noted that the examination included the tests for knowledge of 10 laws that govern public service: the Constitution, 3 constitutional laws and others.

Last year Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Law On amendments to several legislative acts of Kazakhstan on state service to improve efficiency of Kazakhstan's state machine. The law provides for enhancement of meritocracy principle in selection and promotion of personnel, improvement of efficiency, objectivity and transparency of selection for state positions, and creation of the managerial A Block.

Tengri News


May 30 2013, 16:08

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