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Kazakhstan: Police in Drag Don’t Fool Furious Neighbors. Last-ditch move to get higher bid for ENRC

1 213 просмотрs

Eurasianet - Kazakhstan: Police in Drag Don’t Fool Furious Neighbors - A bizarre scene then ensued as, amid the disturbance, the first two police officers emerged from inside the brothel, “one in a long beige women’s jacket, under which [police] uniform pants were peeping out,” the other in “tight” women’s pants.

The Telegraph - Last-ditch move to get higher bid for ENRC - The market feels the Kazakh government, anxious to improve its badly damaged reputation, will play the key role in influencing the oligarchs to tweak their bid to end a sorry saga.

Trend - French GDF Suez to become shareholder in NABUCCO - NABUCCO Gas Pipeline International GmbH today welcomed the announcement that the French energy group GDF Suez has concluded a Share Purchase Agreement with OMV in Vienna, NABUCCO Gas Pipeline International GmbH reports on Tuesday.

Deutsche Welle - Beijing gets to Brussels via Berlin - Li Keqiang’s visit shows that China attributes a special significance to its relationship with Germany, which is seen to be the key to Europe. However, Berlin should not become Beijing's instrument in Brussels.

Economy Watch - China To Bankroll Construction Of Entire New City In Belarus - China will spend close to $5 billion to build an entire city from scratch in the forests near Minsk, the capital of Belarus, reported Bloomberg on Sunday, with the area set to be transformed into a gigantic industrial hub, offering Chinese exporters tax-free entry into Russia and Kazakhstan.

May 28 2013, 16:28

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