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Ex-Kyrgyz President Bakiev won't be extradited, Prosecutor General of Belarus

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Kurmanbek BakiyevKurmanbek Bakiyev

Information that Belarus is negotiating the extradition of Kurmanbek Bakiyev to Kyrgyzstan is not true, told the Prosecutor General of Belarus Alexander Konyukov to RIA Novosti on Thursday in Minsk.

"This is misinformation and deliberate disinformation" said the Attorney General.

He said that Bakiyev was a citizen of Belarus and could not be extradited to another country. Bakiyev became a citizen of Belarus after the revolution in Kyrgyzstan in April 2010.

Earlier, some media quoted diplomatic sources as saying that Minsk had agreed to negotiate the extradition of ex-Kyrgyz leader Bakiyev and his younger brother Zhanysh.

May 24 2013, 11:08

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