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House, food and mobile communication of expats paid illegally in Kazakhstan - labor agency

2 286 просмотрs

During the labor laws compliance audit of some oil producing companies in Aktobe several violations were found, writes

The announcement was made at a sitting of the Aktobe Oblast tripartite social partnership commission.

According to the director of local social control and protection agency Salamat Amanbayev, such companies as Sagiz Petroleum, Kaspi Neft TME, Alties Petroleus International BV were among the law breakers.

In Sagiz Petroleum Company foreign nationals received 512,000 every month each, besides  their basic salaries, to cover their food, accommodation and mobile communication expenses. This had not been included into their job contracts," he said.

In Alties Petroleus International BV, Amanbayev said, a regional director was paid a salary four times less than his deputy, an expatriate specialist, earned each month. As the boss was monthly earning 555,000 tenge, his assistant scooped up as much as 2.6mln tenge.

For such an incompliance the company was forced to pay 216,000 tenge of penalty.


May 17 2013, 09:38

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