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‘Air Astana’ aircraft flying from Tashkent makes emergency landing in Shymkent

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A Boeing 757-200 aircraft of Kazakh airline "Air Astana" carrying out Tashkent-Almaty flight, made an unplanned technical landing at the airport of the Shymkent city, the airline reported.

"The aircraft flew from Tashkent at 13:15 local time on Friday, and at 14:10 local time landed in Shymkent in connection with the problems in one of the air conditioning systems. None of the 136 passengers on board of the aircraft was injured," the statement said.

The passengers of the flight were sent from Shymkent to Almaty by a Airbus A321
aircraft. The Boeing 757-200 aircraft made a technical flight to the base in Almaty.


May 13 2013, 10:48

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