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Astana Media Center caught fire, 800 evacuated

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Media Center caught fire this weekend in Astana, reports.

The quenching process involved 85 fire-fighters and 24 vehicles of Astana Emergency Situations Department, 5 employees and 1 vehicle of the Central Regional Airmobile Rescue Team and 3 employees and 1 vehicle of the Disaster Medicine Center. All the roads next to the media center were closed for traffic. Kazakhstan Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir Bozhko arrived at the accident site.

The area of the fire made 200 square meters and 800 people were evacuated from the building.

According to the Emergency Situations Ministry’s press-service, the incident happened at 07:03 p.m. on May 4 in the Media Center TV and Radio Complex on Kunayev street. In particular, the fire was spreading in the 4-storey stylobate part of the building. The fire was localized at 08:08 p.m. and quenched at 08:45 p.m.

According to head of Astana Emergency Situations Department Meiram Iskakov, the department received a message about the fire at 07:05 p.m. The power in the building was not turned off, except for the zones on fire, and some of the TV channels located outside of the fire seat keep operating and never stopped broadcasting. No casualties were reported. According to Kazmedia Ortalygy, the fire was fully quenched. The building is now operating in a normal mode. Technical equipment of the building was not damaged.

The investigators are currently looking into the reason of the fire. According to Iskakov, short circuit is one of the versions. The fire started under the roof. This version is supported by Managing Director of Kazmedia Ortalygy Kanat Sakhariyanov. According to him, none of the building's staff is suspected of starting the fire. He believes that most probably cables caught fire on the roof.

Sakharinov told that the building was on warranty maintenance of the constructing company, Sembol. Construction of the building was ordered by Kazakhstan Temir Zholy. Representatives of Sembol also arrived at the accident site.

According to Sakhariyanov, a warranty overhaul of the building was scheduled this summer because of flooding.

May 8 2013, 11:30

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