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Egg thrower Tsukanov refused to ask pardon from the Minister

1 174 просмотрs

The communist from Karaganda Andrey Tsukanov, who egged the Minister of Labour and Social Protection Serik Abdenov at the press conference, said to journalists that he would not ask for pardon and regret for his act after he left a temporary detention center where he spent seven days, reports

Having left a pre-trial detention center, Tsukanov assured journalists that rumors spread in mass media about the fact that he was registered in mental institution in Karaganda was false. He noted that he never had mental disorders and in case he finds out who extended false information, he will file a lawsuit against that person.  Besides, he said that after spending seven days in detention centre he didn't change his civic stand.

“By this act I wanted the Minister “to fall on his face”. I am against any anti-national reforms, such as increase of retirement age for women”, - said Tsukanov. He said that he expected a possible detention and, for this purpose, he took days-off from work.

May 3 2013, 14:44

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