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Syrian prime minister survives bomb attack: TV

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Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halki speaks to the media at his office in Damascus, April 3, 2012. Credit: ReutersSyrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halki speaks to the media at his office in Damascus, April 3, 2012. Credit: ReutersSyrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halki survived a bomb attack that targeted his convoy in central Damascus on Monday, Syrian state media and Hezbollah's al-Manar television reported.

"The terrorist explosion in al-Mezze was an attempt to target the convoy of the prime minister. Doctor Wael al-Halqi is well and not hurt at all," state television said.

It had earlier reported that a "terrorist explosion" in the Mezze district, where many government and military institutions are situated and where senior Syrian officials live, had caused casualties.

A picture uploaded by opposition activists showed thick black smoke rising from the purported site of the explosion.

The Britain-based Syria Observatory for Human Rights, which has a network of sources across Syria, said initial reports indicated one person accompanying the prime minister had been killed.

April 29 2013, 12:56

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