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Mynbayev supports foreigners working at Kashagan

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Oil Minister MynbaevOil and Gas Minister Sauat MynbaevKazakhstan Oil and Gas Minister Sauat Mynbayev defends the foreigners working at Kashagan field, reports.

Manybayev was asked in the Majilis (lower chamber of the parliament) about the social inequality of Kazakhstan citizens and foreigners working in oil and gas sector. In particular, according to the deputies, there are cases when foreigners earn 10 time more than local experts at similar positions.

The Minister explained that there were four categories of employees in oil and gas in Kazakhstan. He said that the third and the fourth categories (blue collar workers of different qualification) are already 100 percent made of Kazakhstan citizens. According to Mynbayev, there are some problems with local content in the first and second categories. The first category includes top managerial personnel and highly qualified experts make the second category.

“The first thing that has to be done there is to introduce requirements for a certain amount of local content in these two categories into the legislation. We already have such law and decrees. There should be 90 percent of locals in the second category this year, but with some of the projects, including Kashagan, we cannot fulfill this requirement. Enforcing it would spell halting Kashagan. The requirements for Kashagan project, same as for TCO (TengizChevroil) that plans to implement the expansion project, have been lowered from 90 to 70 percent (for the second category). This is the reality. The situation here is that one cannot win love by force. It is a matter of an expert being either able or unable to do the job. And we cannot talk about full unification of salaries in such narrowly-specialized areas. Besides, there are not that many foreigners there already. It we press too hard we can break those projects,” Mynbayev said.

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April 23 2013, 12:54

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