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Pakistan's Pervez Musharraf: Court orders ex-ruler's arrest. Domestic extremists likely behind' Boston attack

934 просмотрs

BBC - Pakistan's Pervez Musharraf: Court orders ex-ruler's arrest - A court has ordered the arrest of Gen Pervez Musharraf over his attempt when Pakistan's military ruler to impose house arrest on judges in March 2007.

The Diplomat - Pyongyang Machiavelli: All of Kim’s Men - Officials below the power circle of the Kim family may not play an overt role in N. Korea, but are vital to understanding the regime and its future.

RIA Novosti - Russia Will Break Oil Dependence in 21st Century – Kudrin - “Russia will, no doubt, break free from oil dependence by virtue of the growing role of new goods and sources of energy, and also by virtue of new opportunities it will use,” Kudrin said at the Russia 2013 investment forum, organized by the country’s largest lender Sberbank.

The Tehran Times - Supreme Leader condemns Boston bombings - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said that Iran is against the killing of innocent people, no matter it happens in the city of Boston in the United States or any other part of the world.

Deutsche Welle - 'Domestic extremists likely behind' Boston attack - The question on the minds of many Americans in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing was, "Is this the work of Islamist terrorists?" but analysts think domestic extremists are more likely to be behind the attack.

April 18 2013, 16:36

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